Our Mission

At Daily Devotive, our mission is to help people pray more, build a daily prayer habit, and deepen their relationship with Christ.

We believe that in the busyness of life, prayer should be something to look forward to, not something rushed or forgotten. Our hand-dipped, 100% beeswax candles are designed to help set apart sacred time—free from screens, distractions, and the noise of the world.

Through the gentle glow of each candle, we strive to:

  • Increase the time people spend in prayer

  • Help build a consistent daily prayer habit

  • Share the Light of Christ

  • Bring light to everyone’s daily darkness

  • Encourage people to embrace silence and listen to the Lord’s voice

Many say burning a Daily Devotive candle feels like having Jesus right beside them. We invite you to light a candle, quiet your heart, and step into His presence.

Are you ready to spend more time with Christ?